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Two Important Travel Tips – Medical Minutes #44

Two Important Travel Tips Hi, it's Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. I'm going to talk about travel, as the world starts to open up and people are traveling again. We have to learn how to do it safely and effectively. Focus on Weight Loss or Weight Maintenance? And so the first couple things when you travel is to determine is this going to be a weight loss week or a weight maintenance week? What we don't want is it to be a weight gaining week. And so most people who are in our practice are doing meal replacements.   With meal…

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Five Best Sleep Tips! Medical Minutes Episode 4

Today, I'm going to talk about the five best sleep tips. These are the five most important sleep tips that I have come up with over the years. Number one, maintain a consistent sleep schedule even on the weekends. If given the choice or chance, your body will push to go later, especially on the weekends. Number two, take time to wind down before bed. Take 30 to 60 minutes in wind down time each night before you go to bed. Divide that time, if it's 30 minutes, into 10 minute sections. If it is 60 minutes, into 20 minute sections. The…

Why is Sleep Important? Medical Minutes with Doctor Primack Episode 3

Sleep for Weight Loss Welcome to a Medical Minute. Why is sleep so important for weight loss? That's a great question. Sleep is an important part of weight loss for many reasons. The two biggest reasons that I talk about are number one, when you aren't sleeping well, and we'll call it restorative sleep, when you aren't getting enough restorative sleep, your metabolism is slower and you're more hungry. Medical Studies on Sleep And so what are the three studies that I always tell people about? Number one in this study, if you slept more than seven hours, you weighed less.…

The 3 Most Important Parts of Weight Loss

  Hi, and welcome back to Medical Minutes. Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorite topics: the three most important parts of weight loss. Number one is sleep, number two is diet, and number three is exercise. So, here they are. Diet, exercise, and sleep. Let me tell you a story. When I first figured this out, it was many years ago, and it was by accident when we figured it out. I had a patient who worked with a company based in Europe. And so, he had weird conference calls at all hours of the night. 2:00 in the morning,…

Sleep is the Secret to Weight Loss — Craig Primack MD Scottsdale Weight Loss Center

Everyone knows about Diet and Exercise, Sleep may be even more important if you want to lose weight. Find out why in this video. Doctor. Primack: Thank you. Thanks for coming. Tonight I’m going to talk about the relationship between weight and sleep. I’m going to tell a little story to start us off tonight. I’ve been doing this now for 13 years full-time. Someone in the first about two years, this guy’s still very vivid to me, the conversations we had about his weight and his sleep. Doctor. Primack: We can take the three big things that go into weight loss.…

Diet and Exercise and SLEEP!

Most of us have heard “diet and exercise is the way to lose weight”…”diet and exercise to lose weight” over and over again. It is the false mantra of dieters. To help you in your weight loss plan, your real mantra should be: “sleep, diet and exercise is the real way to lose weight!” The correct weight loss method is the following: sleep first, diet second and exercise third. These are the basics and are necessary to start your weight loss process but there are many other parts needed for successful weight loss. Even weight loss itself is just a piece…