Craig Primack MD Presents Medical Minutes
Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center, and these are my medical minutes. It's now been a year since I've been doing medical minutes on a regular basis. I'm not sure if that makes it our one year anniversary, or our one-year birthday, but that being said, I am really happy that you all have been here. Sincerely, I am grateful that you've been a part of these medical minutes over the last year.
Happy Birthday Craig Primack or Happy Anniversary
I have a lot of fun making the medical minutes. Sometimes…
Hello. My name is Dr. Craig Primack.
I'm excited to be here today and to talk to you about a new video segment I'm calling Medical Minutes.
Medical Minutes are a couple of minutes, maybe one to three minutes, occasionally more, hopefully coming out most Wednesdays, about a topic that's passionate to me. It may be about diet, weight loss, medicine, food, or something else that I think you will find interesting.
Sometimes, it's going to be my favorite obesity medicine for weight loss.
Often, it's going to be about exercise, or sleep, or diet, or all those things that get into your everyday…

If you are reading this post, I will assume you are new here. Let me introduce myself,
I am Craig Primack MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Obesity Medicine Physician
Co-Founder of Scottsdale Weight Loss Center
President-elect of the Obesity Medicine Association (
Arizona Resident for 20 years but born and raised in Chicago, Illinois
Father of 3 great kids (16, 14 and 9)
Parent to 2 dogs, Cosmo and Zoey
My day job: Obesity medicine physician, which a fancy word for weight loss doctor
During my office day, I meet patients…