Everyone, welcome! Thank you for being here.
This is the first time Scottsdale Weight Loss has done a Zoom meeting. Obviously, we'd love to have everyone in the classroom and we'll talk about classes as one of the aspects of this talk is about ... To give you a little background, this talk has come together over about two years which I think for me makes it exciting.
So I belong not only to discuss the Weight Loss Center obviously, but I am the president of a large society of weight loss physicians and nurse practitioners and PAs.

This is a talk that was given at Obesity Week in Nashville in November 2018.
I practiced it the week prior at Scottsdale Weight Loss Center for a group of interested patients.
Craig Primack MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA 480-366-4400 www. ScottsdaleWeightloss.com
Craig Primack: This is a talk that I’m actually going to give a week from yesterday, Tuesday at a large conference called Obesity Week. Obesity Week is a combination of two big societies that treat weight in our society. One is called the Obesity Society. They’re actually the research arm. Most of the members on that do research on weight and all…

If you are reading this post, I will assume you are new here. Let me introduce myself,
I am Craig Primack MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Obesity Medicine Physician
Co-Founder of Scottsdale Weight Loss Center
President-elect of the Obesity Medicine Association (obesitymedicine.org)
Arizona Resident for 20 years but born and raised in Chicago, Illinois
Father of 3 great kids (16, 14 and 9)
Parent to 2 dogs, Cosmo and Zoey
My day job: Obesity medicine physician, which a fancy word for weight loss doctor
During my office day, I meet patients…