A Weight Loss Goal or a Weight Loss Deadline?
Weight Loss Goals
Hello and welcome. I am Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. Today's Medical Minute is a interesting one that just kind of came up in the last couple of weeks. We always talk about weight loss goals. My goal is to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 50 pounds, 70 pounds, 100 pounds. I had a patient this week that says I don't have goals. I have a weight loss deadline. So today's Medical Minute is about goals versus deadlines. When we have a goal, my goal…
Water for Weight Loss
Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Primack and today's medical minute is about drinking water. I'll be honest. We know water helps in weight loss, but there aren't a lot of studies about how much you should drink or when you should drink it. The studies that do exist talk about drinking water about a bottle or 16 oz 20 to 30 minutes before each of your three big meals.
Hiking and Water
Let me tell you a story.
I practice here in Scottsdale, Arizona. We have many, many days over 100 degrees. I had lost weight myself about 15…
Two Secrets to Longevity
Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss. Today, I'm going to talk about longevity.
The first question is what is longevity? Longevity is living longer.
Along with living longer, we want to live healthier or better.
One of the things that is most beneficial for longevity or living a long time is movement.
Exercise to Live Longer
There are several exercises that have been shown to really help people live longer. This comes from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, where the number one exercise for living a long time was tennis. Number two was badminton. Badminton is not…
Are You Trading Your Health For Wealth?
I'm Dr. Craig Primack. Welcome to another Medical Minute.
Today, I have a very simple question for you. Are you trading your health for wealth? It seems most recently in the pandemic, especially, many of my patients are spending more hours per day than they used to working. Some of them don't have to go in the office anymore. So instead of having to spend time driving or in meetings, they're spending time at their computer. They may be spending 10 hours a day, 12 hours a day, even some 14 or more hours…
Don't Cheat on your Diet
Hi. I'm Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. Today's Medical Minute is very importantly titled Don't Cheat on Your Diet. When you first hear me say that, I think most people think I'm going to be very strict. "Don't ever deviate from this very strict plan that you have." That's actually not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying we're going to take the word cheat actually out of your diet vocabulary.
You can either eat on your plan or you eat off your plan. Some people say, "We had a dietary deviation."…
Hi and welcome to Medical Minutes .
Today's topic is about how to talk about weight loss. In this there are two different pieces. The first is how do you talk to a friend or a loved one about their weight? And the first question to ask is quite simple.
The first question:
is, "Are you concerned about your weight?"
And obviously there's a yes and a no answer. If the answer is, "Yes, I am concerned about my weight," you may ask, "What have you tried in the past?" And they'll go through some diets or potentially that they haven't done any…
Do you know what it takes to live a healthy life? There is much published on the Blue Zones… Know what they are? Know where they are? Will you live a long time?
Craig Primack MD: Secrets To a long and healthy life.
Craig Primack MD: What are the healthiest things we can do for ourselves?
Audience: Sleep.
Craig Primack MD: Sleep. Definitely one of ’em. What else?
Audience: Activity.
Craig Primack MD: Activity, exercise. What else?
Audience: Laugh.
Craig Primack MD: Absolutely laugh, yeah.
Audience: Water.
Craig Primack MD: Water, yes. What else? What’s number one? I haven’t heard it yet.
Audience: It’s Laugh.
Craig Primack MD: Laugh is up there.
Learn THE secret that you have been missing to building a good healthy habit
This was a talk I gave for my patients in November 2018 at Scottsdale Weight Loss Center in Scottsdale, AZ 480-366-4400
Craig Primack MD
Craig Primack: How To Easily, I don’t know if easily is the right word, but, Easily Build Good Habits. It’s taken from a blog that I get a lot. if you want to write it down, it’s great. If you ever read anything by Malcolm Gladwell, Blink and all that. This guy is like a weekly Malcolm Gladwell. He’s great, Barking Up The Wrong Tree.…

Walk, Bike or Hike?
I was asked yet again what is the best exercise to lose weight. You would think as a weight loss physician, I should have a set and memorized answer. If I asked you to answer that question you may think that I should say, running and weightlifting. You may think that I will tell you that you absolutely have to run marathons. That you need to lift weights so much that you will not be able to lift your arms over your head or sit on the toilet for the next three days.
Lets cut to the…

What is the best way to lose weight fast? It’s an aggressive combination of:
Personalized diet
Adequate exercise
Weight loss pills
The best way to get this aggressive yet safe combination of treatments is under the care of an Obesity Medicine Physician. This special doctor or specialist has training in multiple types of weight loss diets (including meal replacements and low carbohydrate (low-carb) diets, etc.). I am certified as an obesity medicine physician. I counsel on exercise, help with behavior changes and use medicines or pills that help weight loss, formally called Anti-Obesity Medications.
As of…