If You Struggle with Your Weight
Hi and welcome. I am Dr. Craig Primack. I'm a physician and Co-Managing Partner of Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. In addition, I am the President of the Obesity Medicine Association. If you are here listening to this video, you or someone you know struggles with their weight.
If you have struggled losing weight or keeping it off and haven't tried using an Obesity Medicine Clinician for helping you with weight loss, I will recommend now that you do so.
Obesity Medicine Clinicians
Obesity Medicine Clinicians are physicians who are certified by the American Board of Obesity…
3 Step Process to Exercise
Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. Today's medical minute is a concept that I think we should all be paying attention to, which is movement.
As you may have heard, sitting is the new smoking. That's not exactly true, but if there's one thing you can do in the past that was best for our health, it was quitting smoking, and now it's more movement. Getting from being a sedentary person to moving is the secret. It's actually the best, we'll call it, the best bang for our buck. If you're currently…
Do Magical Diets Exist?
Hi, I am Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. Today, I'm going to spend a few minutes talking about a concept that I call magical diets. First, I'd like to say that magical diets do not exist. Remember, magical diets do not exist.
What is a Magical Diet?
So what is a magical diet? A magical diet is a belief that something, and usually a very small change like not eating until eight o'clock and ending by eight o'clock or just cutting out one or two nutrients, maybe carbohydrates, all of a sudden…
What is the Best Exercise for Weight Loss?
Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Primack. Today I'm here to answer the question, "What is the best exercise for weight loss?"
I'm going to answer that question. But first we have to talk about exercise in general. When you enter a weight loss program, we believe about 80% of your weight loss comes from diet and 20% from exercise, but that 20% is important.
If you're missing 20% of anything, you surely aren't getting all the benefit that you can get. In a second, I'm going to turn to our whiteboard and talk to you…
Hi, and welcome back to Medical Minutes.
Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorite topics: the three most important parts of weight loss. Number one is sleep, number two is diet, and number three is exercise.
So, here they are. Diet, exercise, and sleep.
Let me tell you a story. When I first figured this out, it was many years ago, and it was by accident when we figured it out. I had a patient who worked with a company based in Europe. And so, he had weird conference calls at all hours of the night. 2:00 in the morning,…

Most of us have heard “diet and exercise is the way to lose weight”…”diet and exercise to lose weight” over and over again. It is the false mantra of dieters. To help you in your weight loss plan, your real mantra should be: “sleep, diet and exercise is the real way to lose weight!”
The correct weight loss method is the following: sleep first, diet second and exercise third. These are the basics and are necessary to start your weight loss process but there are many other parts needed for successful weight loss. Even weight loss itself is just a piece…

Walk, Bike or Hike?
I was asked yet again what is the best exercise to lose weight. You would think as a weight loss physician, I should have a set and memorized answer. If I asked you to answer that question you may think that I should say, running and weightlifting. You may think that I will tell you that you absolutely have to run marathons. That you need to lift weights so much that you will not be able to lift your arms over your head or sit on the toilet for the next three days.
Lets cut to the…