Is Obesity a Disease?
Hi, I'm Dr. Craig Primack. Today, my job is to answer the question is obesity a disease?
When I first started treating weight, it wasn't a common belief that obesity was a disease and the people who are not believers simply say, "Well, you should just eat less and move more to lose weight." And my simple answer to that is number one, people who struggle with weight are trying to lose weight. The studies will say at least twice per year people are trying to, and they're being ineffective. So if that recommendation worked, and that…
Hi, and welcome to another Medical Minute.Today, I'm going to do another recipe like I did last week.
Last week's recipe was OPTIFAST-based protein ice cream. I got a lot of great comments about the ice cream, except the fact that it's very sweet. A lot of people like sweet and healthy, but a lot of people also like savory.
So today's recipe is healthy protein-based chicken soup with broccoli, which is the way I love it.
All you need is a chicken soup packet, broccoli, and water.
Let me show you how to make it:
Here I am cutting the broccoli into bite-sized…
Welcome to another Medical Minutes.
Today, I'm going to do something a little different for our medical minute. I'm going to bring you a recipe. It's a break from our normal, but hopefully it'll be a lot of fun. So one of my goals as a physician in weight loss is to make eating fun and healthy for all of my patients. So this is one of my favorites. For Arizona in those days, when it's over 110, like this summer.
The recipe for today is healthy, protein based ice cream.
You only need a few ingredients and of course,…