Weight Loss- Treat or Refer
Hi. I'm Dr. Craig Primack, and welcome to another medical minute. Today is a very important medical minute. It's my 20th medical minute.
Today I'm going to talk about weight loss with the philosophy of treat or refer.
Medical Disease
So what does that mean? First, let's talk about weight. Weight is considered a medical disease, or weight loss being treated by a medical professional. Most people, unfortunately, cannot treat their weight by themselves. They've tried. I understand it. Some people have tried many, many, many times, and have been unsuccessful.
Unfortunately, being a medical disease, being overweight…
This was the second part of a talk given at Scottsdale Weight Loss Center on Oct 11th, 2018
Craig Primack MD, Scottsdale Weight Loss Center (Scottsdale, AZ)
Willpower is finite. We only have a certain amount of it, and after a while, it wears off. Most people stick with daily goals 20% of the time. What makes that less? Stress, fatigue, other things going on, franticness. It becomes less than 20%.
New Year’s resolutions, willpower, “I need to do this,” so what happens with New Year’s resolutions? Eight percent at the end of the year. Ouch. Should weight loss be a…