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How Much Protein to Lose Weight? Medical Minutes Episode 27

How Much Protein to Lose Weight? Welcome to another Medical Minute. I am Dr. Craig Primack from Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. Today I'm going to talk about how much protein it takes to lose weight. Recently, I have come across a couple of diets, one in particular, that's done here in Arizona very popularly that probably does not give enough protein. And someone was asking me about it the other day and I thought that would make a great Medical Minute to bring to all of you. Macronutrients And so, first we should just briefly talk about macronutrients. Protein is…

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Do You Like Healthy Ice Cream? Medical Minutes Episode 13

Welcome to another Medical Minutes. Today, I'm going to do something a little different for our medical minute. I'm going to bring you a recipe. It's a break from our normal, but hopefully it'll be a lot of fun. So one of my goals as a physician in weight loss is to make eating fun and healthy for all of my patients. So this is one of my favorites. For Arizona in those days, when it's over 110, like this summer. The recipe for today is healthy, protein based ice cream. You only need a few ingredients and of course,…